Mr. V. ANANTTHARAMAKRISHNAN has rendered a glorious service in one of the leading Financial Organization viz STATE BANK OF INDIA. Thereafter he took up Financial Planning as his core area of activity to educate, guide & mould young leaders of tomorrow who are the pillars of India gearing to rule our Great Mother Land in the days to come. He now specializes & offers services in the following areas as an accredited CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER of FINANCIAL PLANNING STANDARDS BOARD INDIA, MUMBAI affiliated to FPSB (US). He has made detailed presentations in the following areas in companies/institutions like, Tata Consultancy Services, Andal Azhagar College of Engineering etc., to name a few.
The Income Tax Bill 2025 has several aspects to be considered by the Non-Resident Indians as Clauses replace Sections.
The essence of the Bill remains the same and the existing tax base, tax rates, computation mechanism etc. have been largely unchanged.